API Transcoding
Easy way to quickly utilize API functionality without any system integrations.
Web Service
As a web service, the Transcode Engine works fast, light footprint and extremely stable. Many advantages over API integrations and long development processes.
When created as a web service, our transcoding engine uses Micro Service Modular Concept. Creating reusable modulars to ease the service-creation process.
Parse values from metadata in HTML documents to enable a proper response. The parser is managed by modules to offer fast and reliable deployment.
The Transcode Engine, using industry standards, produces two common format responses: JSON or XML.
Web Transcoding
Transform a single web experience into a responsive design mobile version without manipulating changes on the backend.
The Transcode Engine has the ability to customize the user experience, as well as, adding or removing functionality. Many pre-coded rules are available to be used for customizations. Manage many custom rules that add or remove functionality including turning on or off features.
No Interference
The Transcode Engine sits in it’s own layer allowing it to not interfere with previous development.
The Transcoding Engine is optimize to improve web application performances with proprietary methods that embedded within the engine.
Photon Morph Framework
The Transcode Engine is part of Photon's Morph Framework that allows easy-to-use transformation between one form to another.